Motivation Letter

A glimpse of my background

Motivation Letter

Dear Selection Committee,

 I am writing to express my interest and describe why I apply to become a Student at the FOUNDING LAB. My background and experiences align perfectly with the program's goals, and I am eager to contribute to its interdisciplinary innovation.

 I was born in a town in the middle of Argentina. My mom is a housewife, and my dad is a blacksmith. As a child, I was very curious to understand how things work. I have a lot of memories of me dismantling toys to see their insides. While my parents would say that I was just breaking my toys, in hindsight, I believe I was simply interested in understanding the internal mechanisms of things, and I see if by rearranging them in a different way I could create a new behavior. I wanted to know how each part of the system related to each other. I believe that this personality trait would be useful during the brainstorming sessions in the program. To draw connections between concepts that my teammates from different domains suggest.

  Throughout my academic journey, I have always been a good student and worked hard to achieve excellent grades. In high school, I was a member of the student council. With my team, we focused on serving the needs of the students by communicating students' ideas, interests, and concerns with our school board. We also focused on strengthening the sense of community by organizing social events like sports day, and talent shows. I believe that the interpersonal skills that I began learning during that time can be valuable during the program to maintain cohesion in the team and align our efforts.

 After high school, I decided to pursue a major in Mathematics. I was fortunate enough to receive a full-ride scholarship to pursue my degree, thanks to various academic achievements, including winning two national-level medals at the OIA (Argentine Olympiad in Informatics), serving as the president of my school's student government, and working as a teaching assistant for the informatics class, among others. I have consistently made a positive impact in the organizations I have been part of, and although I don't possess the ideal academic credentials yet. I think I have the necessary skills to perform well as a FOUNDING LAB Student.

Best regards,


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